
Hellenistic Widows, Daily Distribution, Choosing Deacons, Stephen, Philip
Avoiding Divisiveness

In Acts 6:1-7, there's some tension among the early Christians in Jerusalem. The Hellenistic Jews were feeling frustrated because their widows weren't getting their fair share of help compared to the Hebrew widows. The Hellenistic Jews were grumbling and muttering about the issue, but they had not brought the issue directly to the Apostles to get it resolved. When the Apostles learned of the issue, they called all of the disciples together and had them choose seven trustworthy guys to handle the distribution of aid. The disciples ultimately chose seven faithful men to handle this service. This incident is a great reminder that we should not allow problems or issues to fester. We need to address the issue as soon as possible. When problems or issues are not handled quickly and directly it can lead to division within the church body.