
Saul's conversion
The Amazing Conversion

We are walking through Acts 9:1-31.  We were previously introduced to Saul as he approved of Stephen’s murder. But, tomorrow we will witness the dramatic conversion of Saul from the fierce persecutor of early Christians into the apostle Paul, one of the most influential figures in Christian history.


The story begins with Saul's zealous mission to arrest followers of "the Way" in Damascus, but on his journey, he encounters a blinding light and hears the voice of Jesus, who challenges his persecution. Saul is left blind and led to Damascus, where a believer named Ananias is instructed by the Lord to minister to him. Imagine being instructed by God to go help a man who is known to arrest and imprison your fellow believers! Despite his initial reluctance due to Saul's reputation, Ananias obeys and miraculously heals Saul, who then receives the Holy Spirit and is baptized.


Saul's conversion astonishes the early Christians and sparks disbelief among his former associates. He immediately begins preaching the Gospel in Damascus, but his life is threatened, prompting his escape to Jerusalem. There, he faces skepticism from the apostles until Barnabas intervenes and vouches for him. Saul then boldly proclaims Jesus in Jerusalem, but his life is again in danger, leading to his departure to Tarsus. Throughout this section of scripture, Saul's transformation from a persecutor to a preacher exemplifies the power of God's grace and highlights the theme of divine intervention and redemption.