
Barnabus, Antioch, Saul, Gentile believers
The Church in Antioch

Today is Palm Sunday. We will spend a portion of the service talking about Palm Sunday and its importance to us as followers of Jesus Christ. But, we will also continue studying from the Book of Acts. 

The triumphant entry into Jerusalem is a significant event in the life and ministry of Jesus. The account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is described in the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover and entered the city riding a donkey, a colt of a donkey. He was greeted by a crowd shouting “ Hosanna”, waving palm branches, and laying cloaks on the ground to honor him. This occurred a few days before Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. This historical event is celebrated as Palm Sunday.

Here are the key scriptures from the Gospel accounts that you can read:

This event serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ mission and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.

After talking a little about Palm Sunday, we are going to dive right back into the Book of Acts. Tomorrow we will be looking at Acts 11: 19-30.

This section of scripture gives us a peek into some pretty big moments for the early Christian church. Facing persecution in Jerusalem, believers dispersed across the Roman empire, spreading the gospel as they went. But, as we discussed last week, these Jewish believers mainly preached to fellow Jews. But in Antioch, they start sharing the gospel message with Gentiles too. At the time, sharing the gospel with the Gentiles was a radical idea. But guess what? The Gentiles started accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

As you heard last week, the idea of sharing the gospel with Gentiles stirred up concerns among groups of Jewish believers. When the church in Jerusalem hears about what is going on in Antioch they send Barnabas. Tomorrow we will discuss what he finds, how he reacts to it, and the impact on the future of the church.

At the end of Chapter 11, we will read about prophets from Jerusalem coming to Antioch to foretell the coming famine in Judea.  We will look at how the church in Antioch reacted to the news. And….we will look to history to see if the famine actually happened. Did the prophecy come true?

As we study these verses, I hope you will be encouraged and inspired by the transformative power of faith and the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in your life. I want to encourage you to continue seeking God earnestly in prayer, trusting in His provision, healing, and guidance, and remaining open to the divine appointments He has in store for you.