Persecution and Perseverance

Acts 14 recounts Paul and Barnabas' missionary journey to Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe, where they faced both triumphs and trials in their efforts to spread the Gospel. As we explore this chapter, we will uncover valuable insights into perseverance, faithfulness, and the power of God's Word to transform lives.

Here's a glimpse of what we'll be discussing:

• Courage in the Face of Opposition: Reflecting on Paul and Barnabas’s boldness in proclaiming the Gospel despite encountering resistance and persecution.

• Divine Healing and Miracles: Examining how God’s power was manifested through miraculous healings, drawing attention to the importance of faith and God’s sovereignty.

• The Perseverance of the Saints: Learning from the example of Paul and Barnabas as they endured hardships and remained steadfast in their mission to establish churches and strengthen believers.

• Response to Idolatry: Considering the cultural context of idol worship and exploring how Paul and Barnabas confronted these beliefs with the truth of the Gospel.